Topic > White Privilege and Male Privilege by Peggy McIntosh

Privilege is things a person receives that gives them an advantage over most people (Merriam-Webster). These are benefits that only some people receive for being in a certain group or discourse. Peggy McIntosh, director of the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, wrote “White Privilege and Male Privilege” and states: “I think white men are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, just as males are taught not to recognize male privilege” (605). . He claims that whites and males are given certain privileges, but don't even realize it. This shows that different races and women are still disadvantaged, but the people receiving the benefits are blind to the problem. Many people will argue that he is right, while others will explain why he is not. The main point McIntosh is making is that both white and male people have certain advantages. McIntosh states that “white privilege is an invisible package of unearned assets” (605). White privilege is these advantages that white people receive just for being white. They have not earned any privileges other than being born with the right skin tone. He also recognizes them as “invisible”. They don't realize that they have this advantage over everyone else. While most of the text is about white privilege, it also references male privilege. She states that “…I saw parallels here with…male privilege” (605). The same problem that plagues white privilege also affects male privilege. Men have certain advantages that place them over women. McIntosh also seems to be aware of “…different kinds of levels of denial…that protect and impede awareness about…male privilege” (606). She claims that men are in denial about the fact that... half the paper..., 33.4 (2005): 243 -255. Network. September 28, 2013.Dowd, Nancy E. The Man Question: Male Subordination and Privilege. New York: New York University Press, 2010. Print.Landsman, Julie G., and Chance W. Lewis. White Teachers/Diverse Classrooms: Creating inclusive schools, building on student diversity, and ensuring true educational equity. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, 2011. Print.Lynes, Tony. “Female Privilege.” New Statesman & Society, 2.70 (1989): 24. Web. 28 September 2013. Rossenwasser, David and Jill Stephen. “White privilege and male privilege.” Write analytically with readings. 2nd ed. Ed. Peggy McIntosh. Boston: Cengage, 2012. Print. Sullivan, Shannon. Revealing Whiteness: The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006. Print.“privilege.” 2013. Network. 25 September. 2013