"Racial and ethnic stereotypes are especially problematic because they are automatically activated and lead to racial prejudice without us being aware of it. These stereotypes are often activated by looking at the facial features and skin tone of someone." (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2007 In direct quotation it is necessary to indicate the page number, if a printed document has been used, or a number ¶ if the source is online.) The definition of stereotype, according to Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki in their Il textbook, Organizational Behavior, is “an individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group.” (2007 In a direct quote, you should indicate the page number if you used a printed document, or a ¶ number if your source is online.) That said, individuals form stereotypes about certain groups all the time. These stereotypes are not necessarily made with negative intent. You might assume that all accountants are very good at mathematics, when in reality accounting contains very little mathematics. The opening quote points out that the problem is that these stereotypes are created unconsciously. We Who is the “we”? Who is “our”? Are you talking about you and me (the reader)? Please don't include me in your analysis. Using “we” or any first-person pronoun makes the statement personal and not objective. You want to demonstrate objectivity. Maybe you've seen so many gangster movies that we now assume that all Italians living in Brooklyn have ties to the mafia. Furthermore, when we see the almond-shaped eyes of an obviously Asian individual, we believe that he must be smarter than us. This assumption is only made because of the beliefs and attitudes we have adopted as individuals. First, this document will discuss the difference... halves of paper... and their usage. Works Cited Barnes & Noble and Anti-Defamation League. (n.d.). 101 ways to fight prejudice. Retrieved December 4, 2004, from HYPERLINK "http://www.adl.org/prejudice/closethebook.pdf" http://www.adl.org/prejudice/closethebook.pdfUranga, Rachel. (March 6, 2008) Decrease in incidents of anti-Semitism in nations and states Retrieved March 19, 2008 from HYPERLINK "http://www.dailynews.com" http://www.dailynews.comKreitner, R., & Kinicki, A (2008). Organizational behavior (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Massie, Mychal. (June 8, 2004). Why hate Jews? Good question! Retrieved March 20, 2008, from HYPERLINK "http://www.worldnetdaily.com" http://www.worldnetdaily.com Mann, Gil. (No date provided) Why do people hate Jews Retrieved March 20, 2008 from HYPERLINK "http://www.beingjewish.org" http://www.beingjewish.org PAGE Antisemitism 1