Topic > Annotated bibliography on sex in advertising - 717

Chang, Chun-Tuan and Chien-Hun Tseng2013 Can sex sell bread?. International Journal of Advertising 32(4):559-585. The authors conducted research related to the “sex sells” mentality by examining the value of explicit versus implicit advertising when it comes to non-sexual products. The results showed that people were more likely to respond to implicit messages with non-sexual products, while explicit was more effective for a sexual product. The study also analyzed differences in responses between high sensation seekers and low sensation participants. The study ties into my research through the analysis of sexualized versus non-sexualized products. In my case, I'll apply this to brands: Does the brand use implicit advertising because it's not sexual? Does the brand offer a sexual product and have it increased explicit advertising, or has explicit content decreased over time? Fogliasso, Christine E. and Esther Muthoni Thuo2013 How changes in social values ​​are reflected in consumer product advertising. Insights to a Changing World Journal 2013(1):28-40. The authors' main discussion in this article centers on the idea that the most effective advertising is "customer-centric" rather than "product-centric." This mindset puts the power to shape society in the hands of the people and pushes advertisers to stay up to date with modern values, beliefs and trends to effectively sell a product. This journal relates to my research into the idea that the author emphasizes that the power to change the media lies with the people. How much explicit content was used by the brand when it was founded compared to today? Were they morally offensive? Based on this article, if I come across a… medium of paper… it would be interesting since this study is thirty years old. Unwin, Stephen 1974 How Culture Influences Advertising Expression and Communication Style. Journal of Advertising 3(2):24-27. In the article the author observes how society influences advertising. He demonstrates this by comparing advertising between American and British cultures. Unwin emphasizes that the advertisements developed are truly a reflection of today's society, including its problems, beliefs, values, trends and behaviors. He notes that even as we shape the medium, we must also adapt to it. This discussion is applicable to my research because of the idea that society is the driving force in adding sexuality into advertisements. If my research shows a change in brand advertising over time, this could be the result of a change in social values, according to Unwin's argument.