Topic > The Cuban Cigar Industry - 999

Even to the uneducated cigar smoker, Cuban cigars are known as the highest level of style and class. They have a distinct taste and feel and are considered by some to contain the best tobacco in the world. The land of Cuba is perhaps the ideal place to grow the most tempting cigar tobacco in the world. Although other countries produce very similar cigars, the mystique of Cuba still has a strong hold on cigar enthusiasts around the world. Given the current popularity of cigar smoking in the United States and the fact that Americans enjoy the "fine things" in life, it would make sense that the Cuban cigar industry would be a good entity to invest your money in. However, an important aspect to consider is the fact that importing Cuban cigars into the United States is illegal. Due to the trade embargo imposed on Cuba more than forty years ago, our examples of Cuban cigars are still prohibited from reaching our borders. John Hernandez is looking for good investment opportunities within the next month to take advantage of a million dollar inheritance. He is an avid cigar smoker and is enthusiastic about the possibility of the trade embargo with Cuba being lifted. Since this is just speculation, the real question is whether he should move forward with investing in the Cuban cigar market. The most important issue facing the Cuban cigar industry today would be the more than forty years of trade embargo with the United States. States. Given that the United States is the largest cigar market in the world, Cuba (and the individual investor) is missing out on a potential goldmine in terms of revenue. Obviously the potential easing of trade barriers would be the dream of every investor in this sector, but the reality of the situation is still very unpredictable. With a presidential election looming in the United States, there is no way to know whether a candidate will stick to current political policies regarding Cuba, or lift the embargo once elected (the reversal of issues is almost as assured as death and taxes). John has an interesting investment dilemma. There are many solutions as to what he could do with his inheritance; however there are three obvious solutions: he could invest all of his money in the Cuban cigar market, he could partially invest his money in the market, or he could invest nothing in the market and seek other means to increase the returns on his money..