Who moved my cheese? Who moved my cheese? It's a simple story about four characters who live in a maze and are constantly looking for cheese. Two of the four characters are Hem and Haw, who are little mouse-sized people, they are complex people just like humans. They rely on their emotions and life experience to get results, but also like humans they can feel very comfortable and be oblivious to what is happening around them. The other two characters Sniff and Scurry are mice. They rely more on instinct and senses to conduct everyday life. Although they are simple-minded and not very intelligent, they do not freeze emotionally when things go against them. They have the power of adaptation, which allows them to continuously maintain a productive life, no matter how things around them change. “THE CHEESE” represents different things to different people. It's a metaphor for what keeps you going and what makes you happy. For some people "THE CHEESE" is money, for others it is their job, and for others it is simply being able to wake up and be happy that they have a good life and enjoy living it. When I read this book I had to stop and think "WHAT IS MY CHEESE" and I couldn't help but wander into my reading, "HOW DO I GET SOME CHEESE". that I had more than one "Cheese" and that all my "Cheese" were moved, sometimes more than once. All this thinking made me realize what my favor was...