Topic > Earthquakes - 522

This essay is about earthquakes in Oklahoma. Studies on when they first became known in Oklahoma and how they affected the state. And information about them and what can be done. The first known earthquake in Oklahoma is believed to have hit the state in September 1918. Then again on December 27, 1929 in the same area around El Reno, Oklahoma, one struck approximately 20,000 square miles. On September 10 the strongest V intensity knocked items off shelves with subsequent tremors the next day. In April 1952, on the 9th day, also near El Reno, Oklahoma, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake struck most of the state and surrounding states without extensive damage. Over the next few years, many more earthquakes were recorded, damage assessed and research carried out. There has been controversy over whether recent earthquakes were linked to the oil and gas industries. Of the more than 10,000 registered injection wells, approximately 6,000 are used for oil recovery, while the remaining wells are used for drilling waste storage. Reports have shown that most of the rec...