A swan is elegant. Who knows what it reflects? He sleeps in his glittering body of water, with his head hidden under his wing. Sometimes she sleeps on the ground for days to care for her eggs. Outdoors he finds roots, tubers, stems and leaves, feasting on more plants for his mate and often carrying debris home. Calm to cautious, she eats her food slowly, sharing some with others or calmly chewing the plants alone. A photographer avoided giving up a swan who wanted to drown another swan, the women managed to help the poor swan, and so she approached the two, the attacking swan surrounded her, and chased her away gently like a kite moved by the wind. Lately I've been reading about swans because I saw one a few years ago. I chased a swan that was staring at me and we exchanged a long silence. Ten minutes from my house, among the little boutiques and oak trees, is Lake Merritt, a wonderful piece of land, where I like to visit little creatures and examine their lifestyles. Lake Merritt is also called Lake Merritt; covers one thousand acres of wetlands near Children's Fairyland with a six hundred foot outlet and a three point five mile walking and jogging path. In winter, migratory ducks and geese fly high in the dark sky under the shining stars; across the miles they seem the sensation itself, fluttering with nature's enthusiasm. Now, in summer, pelicans and Caspian terns are present. The silk trees have flowered and expanded into a garden that is solid ground for settling herons and unstable limitations for clams, shrimp and crabs. So, I went beyond the children's Fairyland, passed through the gardens of Lake Merritt, and walked the little path in all joy through the oaks and daisies...... middle of paper...... the important thing is to follow your calling in a distinctly positive and pure way, locate the most ideal and creative place, and connect to that pulse. This is persevering, not giving up. A swan doesn't "give up" anything; a swan lives as he strives to do, yielding at every moment to the perfect freedom of happiness. I think it would be amazing, motivating and inspiring, to hold on to your one goal and not let go, to swim long distances to find that special someone. Then not even death, where you go, whatever you do, cannot separate you. Work for it and let it work you up too, until your brain explodes and stops; let your body immerse yourself in a quiet body of water, and let your heart release and disperse, dissolved in the water, in lakes and ponds, gently, peacefully, from any height, from above in which the birds fly.