Join me on a mission to fall into the abyss of Victor Hugo's mind. Let's start our journey with the basics. Victor-Marie Hugo, was born on February 26, 1802 in Besançon, France, to Joseph-Leopold-Sigisbert Hugo and Sophie Trebuche Hugo. His father was a military officer who later served as a general under none other than the all-knowing and powerful Napoleon. Hugo was in no way a lonely child, spoiled by his parents and given everything he could ever dream of in his life, as there were two other children who had graced the earth before Victor's presence. Never heard or thought of for that matter. Not long after Hugo's presence was actually felt, tension and anger began between his parents and they soon separated and went their separate ways. Being raised and exchanged between two families, his father and mother, was very confusing and painful for him. In Hugo's late teens, with very little finances at his disposal, he began his studies at the Pension Cordier and the Lycee Louis-le-Grande as a law student, later ending up graduating from the Paris Faculty of Law. This time later influenced his writing of the magnificent Les Miserables. A year after his mother's death in 1821, Hugo published his first book of poems called Odes et poetices diverses; many parts of these poems earned him a pension from the great and powerful Louis XVIII. In less than ten years from its first publication he published seven more books and poems including but not limited to: Han d'Islande, Hans of Island, Muse Francaise, Nouvelles Odes, Bug-Jargal, Odes et Ballades and Les Orientales. .In the adventures of The Hunchback of Notre Dame we live in the era of nothing less than half......half of the paper......objects like those that refer to things like these. For example, in my opinion his writings were nothing more than mindless ramblings of useless and irrelevant information. Even though Hugo had his rare and random spurts of inspirational quotes in the midst of all his insufferable babble, I truly believe he was overly popularized with his so-called magically majestic writings! There is one thing I feel I need to say, however, before we get to the end of this article, I believe my ignorance may knowingly shine through in this literary criticism. I say this because it is impossible to know the exact feelings and mentality of the audience he was playing to. Therefore, even though my opinion is very mild and dark about his writings, these very likely could have been the exact words of encouragement they needed in that era to get through the day..