Although different from most people's expectations, adoption can be a wonderful alternative to giving birth to a child naturally. For people who can have biological children and those who cannot, adoption can be the solution to having a satisfying family. Biological parents who give their children up for adoption, adoptive parents, and adopted children all benefit greatly from adoption. Most women can get pregnant naturally and most men can get a woman pregnant naturally. But for the small minority who cannot get pregnant, for whatever reason or other, other means of having children need to be explored. Adoption is a wonderful choice. Adoption has been a blessing to my family. When I found out my husband couldn't get me pregnant, I was devastated. The doctor had given us high hopes that he could correct the medical problem. Having been given this hope, along with strong faith, I have never doubted the doctor's ability to reverse the damage and correct the problem. I was sure it was just a minor problem and, once it was resolved, I could get pregnant and start a family. To my dismay, the medical procedure didn't work and confirmed the worst, that my husband would never be able to get me pregnant. We could never have our own biological children. Having had such high expectations, my dreams were shattered. A sadness that cannot be described came over me. I remember complaining to God asking “why”? Not understanding, I fell into deep despair. Nothing could comfort the pain I felt inside. After a grieving process, adoption became a reality in our lives instead of something we had thought about from time to time. We studied child adoption agencies and... halfway down the page... Every mother is different and every delivery is different. But one thing that is always in common is the pain endured during childbirth. While there are many different ways to deliver a baby, they all involve some degree of pain. Some births last a long time and are excruciatingly painful and exhausting, while others can be quick and less painful. Delivery can never be predicted. Once the birth is over and the baby is in the arms of loving parents, the pain is usually forgotten and joy consumes them. Whether you adopt or have natural biological children, once the child is yours, the feelings are the same. Unspeakable love, joy beyond measure and unlimited blessings are those who have chosen to have and raise children. It doesn't matter how or where the child comes from, it matters what you do with him that will make a difference in his life and in yours.