Forced Births in America Birth is a normal physiological process, in which a woman's body naturally prepares to expel the fetus it contains. It has been happening since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, childbirth gradually evolved into what it is today: a highly managed vortex of unwarranted interventions. Jennifer Block, a journalist with over twelve years of experience, has dedicated herself to raising awareness of the authenticity of the Americanized standard of care in obstetrics, guiding others to discover the truth behind the medical approach to birth in this country. In her book Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care, Jennifer Block exposes startling truths about birth management in this country. What is a push birth? As the title suggests, a "pushed" birth is a birth unnecessarily induced, and/or managed, with plenty of unjustifiable intrusions. The book's title describes the feelings of many American women who feel "pushed" into making drastic decisions, decisions for which they may not be emotionally prepared. Block claims that the title of her book came long before she even wrote it (Block, 2007, page xiii). Through her many conversations with expectant mothers, she often heard them express their desire for a non-interventionist, natural birth. Unfortunately, many women “felt enormous pressure from their healthcare providers to go against instinct and… induce labor, schedule a C-section, lie down during labor when every cell in their body felt like moving. Women are supposed to push their babies out; instead, they felt cheated” (Block, 2007, page xiii). The purpose of this book is to expose the truth behind medicine... middle of paper... find a balance between interventional and non-interventional birth. Having said that, I also understand that there are strict policies and protocols established, which I must adhere to as a healthcare professional, in any birth setting. Unfortunately, these guidelines can be abused. Christiane Northrup, MD, a recognized and respected obstetrician-gynecologist has gone so far as to tell her daughters that they should not give birth in a hospital setting, it being the safest place at home (Block, 2007, p. XXiii). While I am not entirely against hospital births, I firmly believe that normal, healthy pregnancies should be fully permitted to all midwives. However, high-risk pregnancies and births must remain the responsibility of qualified obstetricians. My heart's desire is to do what is ultimately in the best interests of the mother and her unborn child.