Topic > ct - 518

The basis for my moral and ethical decisions involves four areas. The first area concerns the influences of the family environment. I was fortunate to be raised by parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Every individual involved in my childhood taught me right and wrong. I also witness that individuals have moral limits when making decisions to maintain peace. I've learned that it's better not to say something. I was the kind of kid who was seen and not heard. This allowed me to learn and question decisions I might one day have to make as an adult. The second area is my education. I was taught that liars or mean individuals are cared for. It is morally right to be honest, whatever the situation. A lie must be remembered in case the topic comes up again. I would have to live with the cloud of being dishonest. As a child I was also told that I couldn't question an adult. I've learned that sometimes it's not your job to get involved in certain situations. I need to think before I react or get involved. The third area is my religious teachings from childhood to adulthood...