Remember, although bookmakers may be outmatched, the bookmakers' edge must be taken into account.vspace{12pt}Odds will be predicted for the results of English Premier League football matches for the current season, 2015-2016. 83 matches will be used over a nine-game week period, from February 2nd to April 3rd. A constructed algorithm will be applied to matches to produce predictions. vspace{12pt}For the collected predictions, Brier scores and Logarithmic scores will be calculated, to evaluate how accurate the predictions are, also comparing the difference between the two scoring rules. Furthermore, Kelly bets will be applied to predictions to decide how much to bet on a result or whether it is appropriate not to bet at all.vspace{12pt}First of all, the different factors to consider when calculating odds for football matches have been decided. vspace{12pt} egin{itemize} item Home team goal