Topic > Social Media - 1709

When children access Facebook, there is a greater chance that they will be exposed to content that their parents may not approve of, such as violence. Excessive violence is behavior involving physical force intended to hurt and harm someone or something. Violence is everywhere on Facebook, whether it's fights posted by others or violent comments posted online. When children log into Facebook, many things appear on their timeline, such as videos containing people arguing. There are generous amounts of violence-related Facebook pages, such as World Star Hip-Hop. World Star Hip-Hop is a video blog where users can share videos on the page. Most of the content on the page is fight-based videos, which could potentially end up on your child's Facebook page by viewing the content or through friends. When children are exposed to this type of content, it could affect them in a negative way. “Seeing violence can affect children more than adults realize” [Seeing violence can affect children more than adults realize. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2015], is an article written by WebMD News, which describes the negative way children can be affected by just observing violence. For example, the author mentions “Children who have witnessed violence are often depressed or anxious.” When children see violent behavior they may not know it