Mass media is a means of public communication to reach a large audience. Walter Lippmann, Herman and Chomsky express their opinions on the role of the mass media and how this role fits into the principles of democratic government. However, Lippmann's view in Public Opinion and Herman and Chomsky's view in "A Propaganda Model" have clearly distinct ideas. While, Lippmann advocates a more ideal use and role of the mass media to balance the living conditions of the public through media control. , on the contrary, Herman and Chomsky condemn the abuse of the media for control purposes. First of all, we need to ask ourselves who provides information through the media. Lippmann is indirectly in favor of media control. One of the main reasons for this is the language of news A language in which the correct interpretation was difficult for ordinary citizens to formulate. The average human being is unlikely to sit down and analyze the raw information provided by the media after a long day at work, Lippmann argues that there should be a group of professional intellectuals who interpret what the media provides as news and Lippmann's argument it can therefore be interpreted as support for controlling the media to ensure sound opinions for the sake of the national interest. On the other hand, Herman and Chomsky believe that media control creates bias in the type and manner of information provided.