Romulus and RemusAs the story goes, Romulus and Remus were twins, abandoned by their mother as newborns and placed in a basket that was placed in the Tiber River. The basket landed and the twins were discovered by a she-wolf. The wolf nursed the babies until they were found by a shepherd who lived nearby. The shepherd raised the twins as his own, even though they were said to be unruly and hateful. When Romulus and Remus became adults, they decided to build a city where the she-wolf had found them. The brothers argued about everything, including where the site should be and what to name it. Ultimately, Remus was accidentally killed by his brother, Romulus, who became the sole founder of the new city and gave it the name (Daning) Rome, whose founding date is said to be April 21, 753 BC (Carandini) While the Most people simply read it as a legend to inspire a sense of heroic patriotism, Andrea Carandini took it literally and, over the course of many years, found historical evidence that led him to the conclusion that, drawing from his excavations and history...