Sounds like it's social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is the idea of natural selection through sociology and politics. Attempts to reform society through state intervention or other means. The poor were the “unfit” and should not be helped and wealth was a sign of success (“social Darwinism”). In both stories we see a “government” type swoop in and try to change things and expect the people who already are there to live this way. In Arrow of God, Christian missionaries are the ones who come to Umuaro and try to convince the villages to believe in their god and live a certain way. In District 9, the MNU raids in the shrimp district are forcing them to move into new homes and live as they say. Both reflect social Darwinism. Politics has been imposed on both worlds and there is a sense of natural selection ("social Darwinism"). If the Umuaro do not start believing in the Christian way, their resources will be limited. If the crayfish do not move to this new camp, they are killed. It's always a defeat for the