Jane Eyre: Hindsight Fully knowing yourself and being able to fully understand and interpret all the actions and experiences you go through is quite difficult. However, analyzing and interpreting the thoughts and feelings of another human being is itself on a completely different level. In the novel Jane Eyre, her namesake decides to reject her one true love in favor of moral decency. Some aspects of the novel discredit the validity of Jane's choice. The veracity of Jane's reason for leaving Mr. Rochester can be questioned because Jane Eyre narrates the novel herself. Therefore, he may exaggerate or distort any details regarding his feelings, as well as his true intentions or fears. At several points in the book Jane chooses to avoid going into detail because the topic is too painful or would not interest the reader. Such painful memories could have an influence on her development as a child and provide further information about her personality, weaknesses and strengths. Although Jane has a strict Christian moral upbringing, she is very proud and cares about the opinions of others around her. When she walks from house to house asking strangers for food, she feels great contempt for herself. She also admits that if she saw someone in her same situation, she would treat them exactly the same way the inhabitants of the village treat her. The pride that Jane carries with her may influence her as she tells her story. She might change details to seem more pious or more correct. Jane has reached a happy state in finding the love of her employer, Mr. Rochester. Unfortunately he has a wife, a deranged woman who lives in the attic, where she is cared for by a strange gin-drinking servant. Despite the strange circumstances surrounding the wedding, Jane chooses to end her life at Thornfield Manor and escape across the countryside. She claims that the reason she leaves her true love is that their marriage would be against God. The chances of him being an acceptable husband are slim. He admits that he lied to Jane and attempted to become a "polygamist", but appeals to her sense of reason by asking how a mad animal could be his wife. However she rejects his proposal and leaves, but she leaves because of God or another reason. The novel, narrated by Jane, shows a less than flattering side of organized religion. The two representatives of the Cloth are Mr. Brokelhurst and St. John Rivers. Both are unloving and cold. The school Jane attended was under the iron rule of Brokelhurst. She asked that the girls at her school be prepared for a life of hardship and misery. St. John did not want to be loved by another, but to serve God. He rejected the love of another and his love for her in favor of serving God as a missionary. He asks if Jane will marry him and go to India, but he offers her a loveless marriage. He says the only thing he wants is a wife and becomes almost violent when Jane doesn't accept his offer. The portrayal of these two Church members in the novel may show that Jane does not abide by the strict rules of organized religion. Many people he hated held God in high regard and considered themselves quite pious and religious, especially Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Reed, Jane's former guardian, constantly warned her about God's wrath and very frequently called her a wicked girl. He threatened Jane with the promise of Hell and suffering for such an unhealthy girl. Jane may have had her own ideas about religion and God. Perhaps she found marriage acceptable, but she couldn't allow herself to separate from her parents..