Topic > American Food: The Cultures of American Culture

Isn't it sad that Indian culture can be defined by food with a multitude of spices combined with rice, noodles and many other tasty ingredients and then American food is seen as the golden arches? But that's not how American cuisine began. Before fast food and enough fat to clog a person's arteries, there was good old-fashioned home cooking consisting of farm-fresh vegetables and meats, along with homemade apple pie. Yet, that's not how many people see American cuisine, and while it's a better combination than the Dollar Menu, it's not enough to define such a diverse culture with just one meal. Furthermore, even though the rest of the world may see American food as burgers and fries, it is crucial to realize that there is no specific type of food that can represent America, just as there is no culture or religion that can define the American people. American culture cannot be simplified to one specific type of food, just as many Americans would not appreciate some of these titles. Nearly every region of the world has influenced the culture of the United States in some way, and you don't have to look far to find a wide assortment of restaurants and shops selling food from around the world.