The influence of the mass media has expanded since its inception during the 19th century. The media has had a direct influence on people today by shaping social identity and giving people a false sense of contentment. Today, mass media has become more influential in society because it sets the standards of what a person's appearance should look like along with what is beautiful, especially in women. Women have become a focal point for the media to turn to; the media has used women's insecurities to promote products and establish a false perception of beauty. Today, mass media have defined the beauty of the ideal woman and have consolidated this ideology throughout the world. This essay will discuss the following (1) false perception of advertising, (2) shadism, and (3) how women react to advertising. (1): Advertising gives women a false perception of beauty. The media has promoted a dominant view of how people should perceive beauty and what perfection in beauty consists of. According to Dr. Karin Jasper, the media encourages women to care about their outward appearance and how others perceive them, surrounding everyone with ideal female beauty. (Jasper, 2000) Body image has become a particular concern for girls and women, women often work diligently to achieve the perfect body image advertised in the mass media. (Gibbs, 2010) When women fail to achieve their ideal body goal, many develop negative feelings and become body conscious. In contrast, there is no way for someone to look like a model in advertisements, someone without blemishes, scars or blemishes. Another study conducted in 2012 showed that contemporary media and culture have defined women's social desirability in terms of their bodies. For women, this has often led to comparisons with the bodies shown in advertisements, commercials, magazines, etc. However not all bodies