Topic > Influences on the health of a community - 1140

Influences on the health of a community The health of a community is influenced by many factors including the social, cultural and ethnic mix of the community, different individual beliefs and moral systems, and the impact of political and economic factors, to name a few. Strong social community associations, affiliations, and bonds, within the community, also influence the overall health of the community collective. Further influences are the actual physical environment, surroundings, activities and available resources of the community where citizens live, work, play and carry out all other associated activities of daily life. Spartanburg's Socioeconomics and Community Spartanburg County is a major city in the state of South Carolina. Spartanburg County has an estimated population of more than 288,700 people (South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, 2013) . Spartanburg County is primarily rural in nature and is challenged by many socioeconomic issues and factors, including a high incidence of poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. The community of Spartanburg, South Carolina has been hit hard by the closure of many local manufacturing plants and textile mills. The current unemployment rate is 7.7% (South Carolina Employment Security Commission, 2013). Due to the high percentage of low-income or unemployed families within the community and the lack of available resources, many Spartanburg County residents face inadequate housing conditions, inadequate nutrition, sedentary lifestyles, and access to poor health care. qualities that impact the health of the individual and the health of the community in general. Lifestyles and behaviors relating to the individual ...... half of the document ...... social determinants of health: the hard facts. World Health Organization International Center for Health and Society, doi: ISBN 92 890 1371 0Lillie-Blanton, M., Maleque, S., & Miller, W. (2008). Reducing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in health care: Opportunities in national health reform. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 693-702. . Retrieved from CINAHL with full text database. Shipman, D., Vant Hul, T., & Hooten, J. (2009). Starving for health care: Ethical issues surrounding the uninsured population. FEDERAL DOCTOR, 13-15 years. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. (2013, November). SC data and statistics. Retrieved from South Carolina Employment Security Commission. (2013). State of South Carolina, Spartanburg County, South Carolina Spartanburg, South Carolina: South Carolina Safety Commission.