France and England, for various reasons, were usually at opposite ends of the historical spectrum. While each suffered from some of the same political, philosophical, and ideological symptoms, the same could be said of their growth and achievements. While France evolved from a country governed and led by a monarchy shackled by religious restrictions, England, with similar components, transformed into an entirely different state. I believe that, due to England's geographical location and the fact that it was not invaded or conquered, isolation shaped its foreign policies to reflect a free and pure state of mind; however, I think proximity dictated foreign policy for all countries of that time and place. Which begs the question: if England and France changed their positions on the continent, would the English try to conquer Central Europe, North Africa and Russia? I will compare the two countries by listing historically significant events and how internal and external forces have influenced each country's foreign policy. The conditions that enabled the French Revolution were some of the following: a weak harvest, famine, unemployment, high taxes on the poor and benefits for the rich; all supported by neighboring countries who supported a monarchical government with strong religious influence. Although France was emerging from an internal civil war, its continental neighbors recognized the potential civil threat and decided to intervene out of fear of facing the same circumstances and/or having to face a truly republican government. After the revolution, Napoleon installed another government based on a monarch and proceeded to annex Central Europe, North Africa, Russia and threatened England... middle of paper... power before any revolt. France in turn has reciprocated the same support, philosophy and aggression towards its neighbors. But England, however, did not suffer the same fate because, given the country's unique position, it was not subjected to the same external pressures. Therefore he cultivated the thought of universal suffrage and liberalism in politics, commerce and religion. But, if conditions were favorable and an inferior country did not accept the liberal option, England would force or manipulate that country into accepting its foreign policy. They did not attempt to conquer Central Europe for the same reason they were not conquered, namely the proximity of the country; however, if conditions had been the same as in France, I believe names like India, China and Africa would have been exchanged for Germany, Austria, Poland and Russia.