What are the differences between a male and a female? Shouldn't the only difference be the body parts? Today and even in the past, people have this stereotype of women. Today's society tries to fight the idea that there should be different rights for men and women, especially women. However, there are men who have the concept as a feminist would. I am one of those men who believe that male and female genders should have equal rights. Although some genetic differences between a male and a female can be attributed, the “nature” of genders does not prevent a woman from doing as much or more than a man. Many philosophers have degraded women by rejecting their philosophy. In essence, the integration of reason, virtue and knowledge was rejected for women. It is said that “woman is made to please and be dominated” by man (p. 369). I agree with the fact that women were created to submit to man, but I don't agree with domination. Domination means denying a person's right to speak or even act. The woman plays the role of the man's helper and right-hand man, but the man has no right to hinder the woman's happiness. This happiness can be a job, a style of clothing or even reason and judgment. There are many different job positions in society. For example, there is a nursing profession in which both a man and a woman can work. The difference is that a woman gets paid less because she is a woman. A woman can have the same number of years of schooling, the same degree or specialization as a man and still be paid less. However, I don't agree with this act because if a woman could do all the education, just like a man did, then why should she be paid less, when she put in the same amount of education and effort? This only leads to a conclusion… halfway through the paper… and not made with purpose. In essence, woman was created, but there was no choice but to give her a role; under the authority and priesthood of a man. In conclusion, despite the genetic differences between a man and a woman, both were made the same way to support each other. A woman's biological limitations do not make her a leader, a courageous character or even physically and emotionally strong. The prejudice against women's rights has only led them to become stronger leaders in society and take an unyielding stance. However, as a male I can say that without the woman the man is alone and has no purpose. Not only do women think they are just as capable as a man, but they also think they are made for each other. Man possesses the power of strength and she the power of delicacy, for an individual to have a life of wholeness, she possesses both.