Another problem that can occur is financial issues. When someone spends all their time and money on alcohol, there will be no money left for basic bills. This could cause a decline in the family's financial situation. This addiction can also affect children in many ways. Children may notice abusers' bad habits and may pick up on them in future years. If there are teenagers in the house, they may think that everything is fine and may develop the same problems. If there are younger children in the home, this could affect their mindset and lead to loss of interest in school, sports, or even cause mild depression. Even children can feel embarrassed. If their classmates, teachers, or other people in the community know about the family's problem, they may be ridiculed. Friends always come with family. The abuser's friends suffer as much as the family. It is also the friend's duty to help the abuser overcome this serious problem. But that's not the case