Everything that is justifiable by logic, and that which derives from the nature of the word is a Natural law (or a law of nature). In “Is homosexuality Unnatural,” written by Bruton M. Leisure, he argues against natural law's opposition to homosexuality by recognizing the word “natural” itself as ambiguous, in the sense that natural work can have different meanings in different contexts . Well, in what meaning do people mean to use unnatural to describe homosexuality? Leisure gives possible meanings to the word unnatural, but then rejects them by applying a similar example that distances them from the definition of natural. Leisure first explains to the reader what a natural law would consist of, if it were actually “a natural law” rather than a “man-made law”. Currently, the debate on homosexuality and same-sex marriage is discussed in our legislation. Thus, homosexuals are deprived of marriage, but expect nothing in return for their future outcome beyond that of marriage itself, Leisure writes: “Natural laws are not approved by any legislator or group of legislators; they impose no obligation on anything or anyone; their violation carries no penalty, and there is no reward for following or respecting them (158)”. We can conclude that when homosexuals practice their sexual preference, they are not acting unnaturally. Leisure asserts that perhaps they meant that “natural” is something that man cannot interfere with, and that by saying that something is “not natural, we mean that it is a product of human artifice” (159). So, what many in a society would consider natural may not be natural in this sense; by natural means that the “substance of which it is composed has not been removed from the...... half of the paper......vice versa. If they did, “their statement would be empty” because homosexuality is not evil.” Anyone who believes that heterosexuality is the way of being, understood as natural or what it is, cannot explain why it shouldn't be. And vice versa, what should be does not mean that, because something is not, one must go back and find solutions for what was not foreseen; something just happened. The Leisure article gives us examples that dissuade the word natural from its various definitions when referring to homosexuality, and why they were inconsistent. He provides various examples to emphasize that homosexuality is not unnatural, and in this case we were “able to find a meaning for unnatural that allows us to come to the conclusion that homosexuality is unnatural or that if homosexuality is unnatural, it is therefore illicit behaviour”. ”.Works citedmary anne warren