There are many proverbial justifications for working in partnership: “it takes two flints to start a fire” Louise May Alcott, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” Helen Keller, “It takes a village” …and so on. Working in partnership can be beneficial for many reasons. It can help reach new audiences, gain access to expertise, or even strengthen a relationship (National 2014). Partnerships, however, can be complex and require a lot of consideration. When working in partnership it is necessary to consider common goals as well as differences. It is very useful when a partnership is based on complementary skills and needs. It is important that the partnership does not compromise the fundamental principles of either party. For example, if an organization works for the ethical treatment of animals, it may not feel comfortable working with an organization that promotes animal testing. There are many benefits to working in partnerships, but it is essential when considering partnerships to reflect on all aspects, both positive and negative, of the couple. According to Penny Wilson, Head of Community Affairs, University of Cambridge, “most problems [with partnerships] are caused by how organizations work differently every day, for example delayed invoices….(National 2014)” You need to consider time constraints, accessibility to appropriate parties and organizational hierarchies. Wilson (National 2014) highlights changes in staff as a possible barrier assess the feasibility of the partnership. Partnerships can also be threatened by a lack of resources such as time or funding or a lack of commitment from a partner. This lack of commitment could indicate a differentiated dance space, which means we have struggled to find spaces to work. I have spent time and effort finding spaces throughout the county suitable for dance classes and workshops. Another constant threat was the realization that the arts are not a priority for this organization. Funding and budgets were a constant concern and I had to be vigilant in finding funding sources and creating projects that were sustainable, efficient and productive. With proper planning, consideration and communication, my project was quite successful. With reflection and evaluation it was a useful learning experience for both of us. As a result of this partnership I have a deeper understanding of what works for me. I continue to work in collaboration with the organization in various capacities and each experience offers me the opportunity to learn something new.