Topic > Mental Theory of Practice - 580

Human beings have adapted to everyday situations. If they are in an unfamiliar environment, our mind will go into survival mode. The companies had the same instinct; their job is to make a profit and keep the customer coming back. When I read the article, some levels of Maslow's Theory of Needs were associated with the way Nestlé conducts its business practice by selecting natural ingredients, taste quality and satisfying customer wants. When it came to selecting the ingredients for their product, Nestlé went directly to the farmers. This helped reduce costs and gave the company better choices. Basically Nestle has entered the agribusiness sector of agriculture. The company created SAIN (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Nestlé), a business improvement approach that seeks to find and eliminate the causes of ineffective business processes by focusing on critical outcomes for production and consumers in the upstream supply chain. “Production performance improves, customer satisfaction improves and profits are impacted ...