Topic > Modern Science and Christianity - 1115

In centuries past, scientific innovations have occupied people's minds. People have sought answers about their existence with the help of science and the scientific method. But nothing has changed in people's culture or behavior. However, two thousand years ago something happened that influenced and changed the way some people perceive the world and personal existence. It was the beginning of Christianity. Christianity and science are seen as in conflict with each other because people approach both views equally; instead, they should be taken differently. There are some things that can be explained by science and others by Christianity. There are incidents that science cannot explain and people still believe these things are true without evidence. Christianity does not oppose science unless it contradicts the word of God written in the Bible. The scientific method is not the only way to find absolute truth. The scientific and Christian worldview will always have some conflict and misunderstanding because they attempt to explain essentially two different things. Christianity does not conflict with science but does with the idea of ​​scientism. Science is based on observation and methods; while Christianity is based more on personal experiences. Our world is very vibrant and distinctive and one perspective alone cannot fully explain the world. Our planet is unique because all natural laws are in harmony. Looking at our planet people have concluded that every law is perfect and right for the people who live on it. All forces and elements are in balance to support our life. Every detail had a specific purpose. Science claims that everything in the world is surprisingly “fine-t…… half of the paper……gs originated began to have the same meaning. The term “science” has evolved and now has a materialistic view of the world. Science implies that everything is materialistic and that the observable is the only reality that exists. The Bible and the written laws of nature are like two different books. These books are written and read in completely different languages. The Bible was written according to the views of the people of that time; while the laws of science are constantly being written and modified for the modern world. Therefore, there will always be some controversy between two thoughts. There are still many unknown things in the world that science has yet to discover. Christianity, on the other hand, accepts extraordinary events and prevents science from explaining things that it cannot explain. Christianity serves to explain incredible phenomena that are part of our daily lives.