Impersonality5. Merit-based careers are considered well-performing factors of the modern workplace. Google always tries to carry out its organization with rules and procedures applied in a fair and equivalent manner without anyone receiving preferential treatment. They also rewarded high-performing employees by providing financial incentives, stock option plans, dinners with the CEO, and other encouragement. Behavioral approaches argue that people are social and self-actualizing and are expected to pursue social relationships, react to group pressures, and seek personal fulfillment. Theories generated by Douglas McGregor (Theory X and Y), Chris Angris, Hawthorne Studies and Maslow's theory of human needs can still be linked to modern businesses. As concluded by Hawthorn Studies on human relations, psychological factors play an important role in the success of the contemporary workplace. And also according to Maslow's theory of human needs, people try to satisfy their needs sequentially; physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-realization. So modern industries have clearly identified these theories as very significant facts for success and have taken the necessary characteristics to relate them. A great example of this is the Google company. It is world famous for its friendly and fun-loving work environment. The main expectation of having a well-structured workplace where employees can work with free minds is to maximize their