Understanding the issue is only part of what is needed. The purpose of the section is to identify a solution or, as the case may be, solutions. The question therefore is what we can do to improve the relationship between police and citizens. Over the years, many books have been written and studies conducted, all in an attempt to find the best way to improve relations between police and citizens. To do this we must examine all available information. According to the Study Circles Resource Center’s Protecting Communities, Serving the Public: Police and Residents Building Relations to Work Together (2000) program, “Bringing the police and community together. We must meet not only when there is a crisis or a major crime. We should do things to build relationships that aren't so full of conflict. Then it would be easier to work together. We can build respect and trust for each other when we make time to meet and learn about each other. This is the only way to do it.♦ Hold regular local meetings with police to raise concerns and talk about what to do to make things better.♦ Set up a community police academy or other training to learn more about police work. “Ride Along” programs with police on patrol help teach people this. ♦ Work together on projects such as community gardens, after-school programs, and block parties. Work with the media to create guidelines on how to cover stories in a way that is fair to both citizens and police.♦ Have officers work in a neighborhood for an extended period. Have more patrols on foot or by bicycle. Give officers enough time during calls to get to know the people they serve.♦ Strongly commit to community-oriented policing. Everyone in the police department should be involved, not just a few units or people outside... middle of paper... believe the main problem for them is the racial and class biases of the police. That's why we're seeing an increase in police training to include diversity courses, implicit bias courses, and race relations training. Then there are others who believe that police should work with young people to improve future relationships and help them become a stronger part of the community. Conversely, police officers might suggest that there are citizens who are not doing their part to make their neighborhoods safe, which brings us back to Sir Robert Peel. Unfortunately, when the police try to empower people to take responsibility and do their part, the interpretation is that the police are avoiding their responsibilities. In any case, understanding that there is work to be done by both police and citizens is the first step. Now, implementing the processes to make the necessary corrections is just the beginning.