I would have to face problems in my life that others would not face. I would have to ask permission to sleep over at a friend's house and most of the time the answer was no. The reasoning my father gave me was that I had my own bed at home. I never really understood it. I never thought this was satisfying enough. After hours of questioning, one night, I finally got a more reasonable answer. He would look at all the possibilities that could happen to me when I wasn't in his realm of existence for the night. He had no control over what I could get into. He didn't know what kind of people my parents' friends were, good or bad. And he didn't want to put the burden of responsibility on someone else to take care of me. After conversations back and forth, we came to a compromise. I suggested he meet my friends' parents. That way, he could get to know what kind of people they are and convey that trust to them. After doing this, the issue of wanting to sleep at a friend's house never came up again. I didn't want to sleep at my friends' houses anymore. I had listened to my father's thoughts and decided that he had good reasons. This is just a small example of how having a discussion within the family allowed both him and me to see another point of view and come to a reasonable agreement