Ethnic differentiation and some regional forms are the result of long-term historical processes that have generated distinctive cultures that bear and create social systems. This is a clear conceptual distinction between inequality and difference, to advance understanding of the problem without neglecting any of its substantive dimensions. There is inequality when relations between culturally distinct social groups are asymmetric, of domination/subordination. No difference, when such groups are organized as defined social universes, which are exclusive custodians of the cultural heritage in the broadest sense of the term that has been handed down to them from previous generations and which deal with forging a collective identity that takes on a differentiated and exclusive. "against" others. The term Indainness is the definition of how much Indian blood you have. Blood quantum is how Indians count how pure they are. Full-blooded Indians are considered true Indians, while quintessential Indians may be born on a reservation you know your tribe's dialect, you know more about your community as a whole, and you are not yet part of the civic, but someone who just moved in and which is full of blood is the government could tell who was really Indian and know what their goals were