Topic > What's the matter with faith in good young man Brown

"'My faith is gone!' he cried, after a moment of astonishment. "There is nothing good on earth, and sin is but a name. Come on, devil! For to thee is this world given," (311) was used to describe Brown's extreme sadness when he realized that his faith had been taken away by the devil. To describe its extreme value, the author uses " Truly, in all the haunted forest, there could be nothing scarier than the figure of Goodman Brown." (311) Brown was so angry and anxious to find his wife, Faith, "'But where is Faith? ' thought Goodman Brown; and, when hope entered his heart, he trembled,” helps Brown strengthen his hope of finding Faith. However, Faith was at his side only a few minutes later, during the rites of admission among those criminals, witches and devils . "and the wife her husband, trembling before that haughty wicked man,"(314)both are frightened and hopeless, Brown cried "Faith! Faith!... Look to the sky and resist the Wicked One!" (314) however, Brown did not know if Faith had done what she had asked and "found herself in the midst of a still night and solitude, listening to a roar of the wind" (314) increases his confusion towards his wife and his family