Topic > Benefits of Hybrid Learning Environment - 742

In a hybrid environment, you can bring your own technology devices, so you can use adaptive learning software, and you can use e-readers, electronic textbooks on e-readers , computers, and tablets. You save money on gas by reducing commutes and on childcare costs for your children. Our online statistics degrees can cost up to 80 times less than traditional degrees. Such programs personalize learning Learning in a hybrid environment is increasingly personalized than a traditional classroom, while still offering the benefits of some in-class instruction and time to interact. other students, that those in a traditional online program do not have. Professors in a traditional program stand in front of a large classroom and lecture, without having the extra time to help students who need it, as they do in a hybrid program. Bright students cannot advance a traditional program as they can in a hybrid environment. Students can work better at their own pace. Students benefit from the additional use of