The stress of children's gymnasticsFor years, gymnastics has been a sport in which many children participate. But over the years it has transformed into something other than a place where children can grow and learn. Its overwhelming commitment has continued to replace children's childhoods with stress, physical and mental pain, and eating disorders. Many results have come from this change in gymnastics society. Gymnasts have gotten to the point where they have been told and directed to understand that winning is the only important factor in gymnastics. “It's about the elite child athlete and the American obsession with winning that has produced a training environment in which results are acquired at any cost, no matter how devastating. It's about how young people's cultural fixation on beauty and weight has shaped sports and pushed athletes into a sphere beyond the pursuit of physical performance. (Ryan 5) As a society we have the ability to change the way our elite gymnasts learn gymnastics. We need to redirect coach teaching and parent involvement in order to create an atmosphere where gymnasts can explore, learn, and acquire gymnastics skills that they feel they can handle. “ Over the last 20 years there have been many publications on coaching in relation to sport psychology or sport pedology. There is, however, no theoretical framework to explain which factors are most important in the coaching process and which relationships between these factors are most significant." (Cote page 1) I propose to create an environment where the emphasis is on a healthy diet, good exercise and less strenuous workouts. It's not an environment where winning is the primary concern. There are men... in the middle of the paper...) As you can see there are several problems that lie within the gymnastics society, but we, the external force, must learn, understand and teach the athletes and teaches some correct ways in which they can handle situations. I've found some major problems in this document, along with some good solutions that I hope everyone can consider. It is important that not only athletes in this country are aware of the problems they have, but also inform the rest of society about the future situation. I know that things can change when we put our minds together and create actions based on our solutions. I hope this information has helped anyone who has difficulty understanding some of the issues that arise with gymnastics or anyone who has a question. “Don't let a problem or situation get in the way of your dream.”