The press says: "Nuclear energy", "Libya", "Japan", Iran, "Energy policy", "gas prices", "budget cuts" and then to right has the president with a big smile, his caption reading: "Here's what you've all been waiting NCAA picks." Indianapolis cartoonist Gary Varvel is the man behind the comic. He is known for many publications. and awards, the most recent being the 2010 Grambs Aronson Award for Comics with a Conscience according to an interview by Alan Gardener (1). According to (2), Varvel was born and raised in Indianapolis in 1957, and quickly began his career. Cartoon Drawing Lifestyle After a short time he was chosen to draw for the "school newspaper" and soon after became a sports editor, then got a big job at the Indianapolis Star and later won second place in the national best Gannett in editorial cartooning and winning ten times. Valver later won the Indiana Society of Professional Journalists (2)" award and from there his career skyrocketed. He is married to his wife Carol and has three children (2). The family scene is that of President Obama and of the press and as usual they have questions and concerns. The cartoon is set up with the president behind the podium in front of a room with a group of press. The press publishes captions commenting on different current events, such as "Libya" and "Japan". , then shows a very happy and proud President Obama with his scoreboard set up and filled with March Madness college basketball teams saying, "Here's what you've all been waiting for... My NCAA picks The big guy is." President Obama, and behind the president is the American flag. Gary uses humor, caricature and comics in his comic. Humor addressing the place... in the center of the paper... problems at hand we get angry it means I don't think it deserves time off, or a break, because I firmly believe it's so stressful and the only way to overcome it would be to have fun, but there should be a little more focus on doing things before playing so much. Works Cited http://topics. id/35421517/ns/business-oil_and_energy/ 154266