Topic > The Role of Government on a Society's Moral Values ​​

Throughout history, societies around the world have created governments that functioned around their community. The Roman Senate was formed around the enormous Roman Empire, Greece with its ruling democracy, and the Ottoman Empire with its absolute monarchy, among others. All these companies worked for their government and vice versa. If the government was not functional they would collapse, and if the community did not cooperate with its government, the idea of ​​government would simply vanish, but to have this mutual relationship it is necessary to establish some moral values ​​between them. But who sets the foundations and standards for these moral values? Is the community a better source for creating these values, or is it the government? There are some societies in which the government creates these moral values, and there are others in which the community itself establishes the moral values. On some occasions one way worked, on other occasions it failed. So there's no specific formula, or way to tell if which one will work for a particular company. Although it seems that letting the community establish its own moral values ​​has been more successful than letting the government do it. That said, the government should not be allowed to determine the moral values ​​of society. To understand why the community would be better at this important task, you must first understand what the meaning of a moral value is. A moral value is a principle or idea accepted by the whole community. This principle is a fundamental factor in the daily life of every person who is part of this society. Moral values ​​serve as a tool for maintaining consensus and peace throughout society. As mentioned above, moral values ​​help to… middle of paper… one must be very careful in one's actions so as not to upset someone. In this case the end does not justify the means, so the government should think twice before doing something risky just to save the integrity of its citizens. In conclusion, government is not really good at establishing the moral values ​​of a society, but they are really good at protecting. Every society needs someone who creates values, of which the community itself will be the response and a protector of these values ​​which will preferably be the government. Works Cited Anderson, M., Angeli, E,. Brizee, A., Keck, R., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Paiz, J., Soderlund, L., & Wagner, J. (2013, January 3). General format. Retrieved from, E. M. (1929). All quiet on the Western Front. Germany: Propyläen Verlag.