Topic > united nations - 1030

United Nations Essay With the sad failure of the League of Nations, the Second World War began in 1939. It lasted six long years before the final defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. At the time, many people thought that a new, enhanced form of the League of Nations, a world governing body, was needed so that the same mistakes that made war possible would not be repeated. Realizing this, the Allies began to prepare for the end of World War II. Because they rejected any idea of ​​reorganizing the League of Nations, they instead moved forward to establish a new organization that would give it a stronger position as a world governing body. Thus, the victorious countries of the war extinguished the League of Nations and created the United Nations in June 1945 with the aim of not only preventing war but also providing a global means through which all nations could meet and discuss multiple issues and global issues. problems through cooperation. In 1944, the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union met in Washington to develop a plan for a world government organization(). That project formed the basis for the creation of the United Nations in June 1945, when it had just 46 nations gathered in San Francisco. it was also signed today, the United Nations has 193 members, almost all the states of the world. The UN Charter divided the UN into two basic bodies, the first of which was the fifteen-member Security Council which had five permanent members and the General Assembly which included most of the UN nations. The Charter of the United Nations established six principal bodies of the United Nations which included the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trustee... halfway through the document... they argue that the International Court of Justice has not always been successful. During the Cold War, the Court was unable to impose its ruling on the superpowers. The United States has refused to recognize a court ruling condemning it for placing sea mines in Nicaragua's ports. There has always been a tension between the ability of Great Powers to veto decisions they oppose within the Security Council and their potential vulnerability within the ICJ. The power of the International Court of Justice has declined in recent decades. Only a few nations submit cases to it and the court does not always have much influence on its decisions. () For example, when the United States became a party to the Genocide Convention, it did so with a reservation: “before any dispute to which the United States is a party may be submitted to the jurisdiction of the ICJ under this article, the specific consent of the United States is required in all cases” (Jennings 1995).