I learned that I didn't want to become an anesthesiologist administering epidurals in a hospital. I was actually fortunate enough to have one of the nurse anesthetists explain the process of administering an epidural to me while he was administering one to a patient. In the PCU/ICU I saw many on-site surgeries, which are emergency surgeries that have to happen in the patient room, and I saw many nurse anesthetists putting their patients to sleep while they explained the process and medications to me. In the Oncology Unit, I learned about the many medications that nurses use to relieve some of the pain that cancer patients suffer. Over time, I was able to talk to many doctors who explained different medications and how they work in the body to relieve patients' pain. All in all I realized that none of these jobs really interested me in any way. I was actually more interested in the physical therapy aspect that PCU/ICU patients had to endure. Consequently, the