Parents, of course, are the role models for their offspring. Furthermore, parents contribute significantly to the personality and attitudes of their adolescents. For this reason, adolescents often adopt their parents' habits through observation. Being minors, children do not have the mental capacity of adults and lack the capacity for foresight. As a result, many young people have poor health and diet without realizing the future consequences of their actions. Parents, “as primary role models… play an important role in preventing childhood obesity because they set standards for the entire family” ( Parents can positively influence a child's eating habits by controlling “food availability and accessibility, meal structure, eating patterns, food socialization practices, and food-related parenting style” ( ). Additionally, parents need to promote exercise and physical activity. Several children have to be pushed in order to exercise. Because technology and social media are sources of entertainment for many young people, parents need to limit the amount of time their children spend indoors. By eliminating these sources of entertainment, children will be more likely to go outside. Additionally, children are more likely to engage in recreational activities if their parents do. Parents, as key role models for adolescents, must encourage healthy eating habits and regular exercise to prevent stunting in children