One method is intracardiac injection, which is an injection into the baby's heart for immediate death. Dilation and curettage occurs when the baby is torn apart and then usually sucked out. Dilation and evacuation occurs when you grasp the baby's head and turn it to try to remove the head from the body. If the head is too big they will have to crush it. Dilation and Extraction D&X This press is performed most of the time during the second or third trimester. Doctors use a pair of scissors to cut off the baby's head and then the abortionist finishes the job by sucking out the rest of the contents. Once this process is completed, the baby is completely removed from the mother's body. This method cannot be used in the United States. The hysterotomy is where they go into the pregnant woman and do a sort of cesarean section, but they cut the abdominal cord and when they do that they cut off the oxygen supply to the baby and cause the baby to suffocate to death. Ru-486 is a steroid that blocks the hormone progesterone, so she takes a second drug to complete the abortion. Prostaglandin is another way and basically crushes the baby to death. Saline injection is simply injecting a saline solution into the mother's abdomen and killing the baby with salt poisoning. And the last one is aspiration abortion and it's a tube that sucks the baby in and basically tears it to pieces. There are so many people