ReflectionLakiisha N. BulerinPost UniversityReflectionMy Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) learning style is visual learning. My multiple intelligences are self, nature and language. The strengths of a visual learner are learning by seeing and the ability to remember information in different environments. The disadvantage of learning visually is that it is difficult to retain information when there is nothing visible available. (Smith & Demand Media, n.d.) The strengths of multiple intelligences such as self, nature, and language are the ability to connect with myself, taking inspiration from nature, and the ability to use language to express myself. The weaknesses of having multiple intelligences are: having difficulty connecting with others, feeling trapped at home, and not being good with numbers. My internal motivations are, to push myself mentally, to have better self-discipline, to have more focus and less stress in my life. My external motivations are becoming good. Because of my visual learning style, I need to make sure I use it entirely in my study and research habits when working on my book. These two SMART goals can be achieved as long as I stick to what works best for me. Being more connected to myself and using my multiple intelligences is exactly what I need to help me reach my SMART goal of finishing my novel. This is because I need to be able to criticize myself and my writing. I need to be able to connect with nature to help me build the worlds in my stories, and I need to be able to use language to express myself. These strategies will all work together to help me reach my SMART goals of maintaining a 4.0 GPA and finishing my novel. My interest, learning styles, and perseverance will all be my biggest keys