They were deeply opposed to women in the medical profession because they considered them abortionists and could not believe that a woman could be as good a doctor as a man. Because of this deep-rooted hatred for women doctors, she had no places to practice and sometimes even had difficulty renting a room to sleep. Fortunately, in 1853 he was able to rent a single room for his dispensary. see patients at least three times a week. This dispensary was a huge success and the following year Elizabeth was able to purchase a larger house, in which she could continue to practice (USNLM). With the assistance of Dr. Emily Blackwell (her sister) and Dr. Marie Zakrzewska (her friend), they were able to open the New York Women's and Children's Infirmary in 1857. This institution would become known as America's first hospital made up of women who provided training and expertise to female doctors and medical care to the poor. By 1868, Elizabeth had founded a women's medical college in New York City to help train other women hoping to become doctors. The educational standards set within this college were substantially higher than those of contemporary male-dominated medical schools (NWHM). This school had gained worldwide attention, which caused Elizabeth to place an even deeper emphasis on entrance exams, curriculum, and graduation