Topic > A Powerful Leader in Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card

As Ender returned from his battle against the rabbit army, he said to himself, "Let the boys learn that mercy comes from their cartoon leaders animated, and the harshness comes from their commander." (180) Ender wants to be a stern commander. Ender is a strict commander because he would make his army practice for hours and does not accept excuses whatsoever. Ender is a strict commander because he wants his team to be the most elite of all, he wants the best for his team so they can handle any challenge he or Graff throws at them. Later in the book Graff gives them 2 battles every day like never before and Ender's army managed to handle them all for quite a long time, so all the training paid off. Ender is a very strict leader and doesn't care if his army gets along or not. When Ender got his first army, Dragon Army, he immediately took them to training after seeing his soldiers and didn't even bother to introduce himself or get to know his soldiers. So overall Ender is a very strict leader in a positive way and always thinks about what would be best for him