Through leadership and dedication, the companies have strived to remain one of the most successful companies in the business sector. The term “leader” is a vague word that many understand well. There are different perceptions of the word and different ways of performing being a leader. Management, conduction, control, authority and administration are all similar words to leadership and its possible role. However, the leadership role is situational and transitory; Successors adapt to situations, creating and deciding the right path to make the company work. Various roles in companies are maintaining its stability and longevity. Departments differ from each other, are part of their own specialty and constitute an important aspect and structure of the company. Leadership is the main foundation of a company's value, always innovative and results-oriented to create the strategy and vision of the company we see today. What is a Leader/Leadership? From Google's definition: the action of leading a group of people or an organization. From Webster's Dictionary: a position of leader of a group, organization, etc. The definition of leadership may vary from person to person, however the main purpose of leadership is to take the action that best suits the company. Since there are different ways to define leadership, the role of leaders also differs depending on the situation. Leaders are not limited to higher positions; they can be employees, employers or top management, but with different roles depending on the position held in their department. Despite the difference in status or duties, every employee of the company is committed to acquiring new skills and knowledge as part of their work. Additional learning and development skills... middle of paper these challenging times, companies are doing their best to survive against their competitors, if only to still get revenue. Today's successful companies got off to a rocky start, but through communication, globalization and leadership they are able to stay alive. As the population increases, companies expand and globalize to obtain resources to meet the balance with their demands. Not only will globalization stabilize their company financially, but their name will spread across the nation, building stronger relationships with their partners and consumers from different places. Of course, all decisions came through the company's leadership and sense of priority. Leadership improves the company's innovation and product, but leadership is also embedded in communication, which creates a stronger connection with various departments and partner companies.