Topic > Examples of Grounded Theory - 2480

means a company, a people, or a nation; and the word, ?-graphy,? what does a ?field of study? mean. Ethnographic research, therefore, focuses on developing a complex and comprehensive description of the culture of a group, or a group that shares culture. (Creswell, J.W., 2013). In other words, we can say that ethnographic research (a) documents people's daily lives (Fetterman, 1998); (b) explores a cultural group (Creswell, J.W., 2013); (c) interpret the participants' situation? perspectives (Nurani, LM and Kemanusiaan, KK Ilmu, 2008); (d) interacts and interviews participants in a natural environment (Nurani, LM and Kemanusiaan, KK Ilmu, 2008); and (e) has a guiding question that evolves throughout the study (Hall,