Statistical InvestigationIntroductionI have chosen to take this statistical course which uses "Mayfield High School" data. Although this is a fictitious school, the data is based on a real school. Since the data was collected for me, it is called secondary data. I believe this course will allow me to illustrate my ability to handle data, use specific techniques, and apply higher level statistical mathematics while being able to use a variety of methods to analyze and compare data sets. During this project I will examine the relationships between the attributes of Mayfield High School students. My aim is to produce a line of inquiry that has two or more statistics regarding pupils who are related to each other. This table shows how many boys and girls there are in each year group at Mayfield High. Year group Number of boys Number of girls Total 71501503008145125270912014026010100100200118486170 Total number of students at The school is 1200. Data is provided for each pupil in the following categories:* Name* Age* Year Group* IQ* Weight* Height* Hair color* Color of eyes* Shoe size* Distance from home to school* Usual method of getting to school* Number of brothers or sisters* Key results of phases 2 and 3 in English, mathematics and scienceFrom the above mentioned, I have to choose different types of data on to base myself on