Sex work includes prostitution, pornography workers, and stripping. These jobs can be very controversial. They can be a way of life for a person and a means to support the life they live. This can be by using the money to put food in their stomachs and their family or to provide for their children or even to find some kind of education so that they can improve their lives. Sex work has many advantages, but also some disadvantages. The question boils down to: should sex work be more acceptable? Or is it in the interest of sex workers that the government, as well as society as a whole, have a say in being able to ultimately determine whether sex work is morally wrong or whether it should be socially acceptable? no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned"? Get an Original EssaySecond Should Prostitution Be Legal? talks about the morality of prostitution. It states: “Maybe you think sex work is an immoral lifestyle. However, it is probably no less moral than a lifestyle of casual 'fucking', or the stereotypical lifestyle of the professional athlete or rock star who brags about how many women he has had sex with..." By seeing its morality this way we can try to see sex work as a way for a person to make a living, or take care of their family, or even try to get funds to go to college. Another benefit of sex work according to the Sex Industry Benefits Society is that it allows a person to feel more comfortable with themselves. It states: “Furthermore, some report that working in the sex industry has helped them feel more comfortable and develop a greater liking for their bodies. This improved self-esteem led them to take better care of themselves and feel more confident. And they continued to do so even after they left the sex industry and moved on to other jobs.” This is something that everyone should have and being able to get it through sex work is actually a great thing. While sex work can have some benefits, it also has a dangerous side. According to The Impact of Sex Work on Women's Personal Romantic Relationships and the Mental Separation of Their Work and Personal Lives: A Mixed-Methods Study “The majority of women (78%) reported that, overall, sex work influenced their their personal romantic relationships in predominantly negative ways, mainly linked to issues arising from lying, trust, guilt and jealousy. Many women have used mental separation as a coping mechanism to manage tensions between sex work and their personal relationships.” This is a negative impact because it makes a person feel negatively. As well as the fact that sex work hinders the relationships they have with others, it can become much more personal and can make them more likely to experience sexual violence. According to 17 Facts About Sexual Violence and Sex Work “Globally, sex workers have a 45 to 75 percent chance of experiencing sexual violence at some point in their careers and a 32 to 55 percent chance of experiencing sexual violence in a given year." In addition to the possibility of relationship problems and sexual violence, there is also the question of the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Since people who work as prostitutes may not always take the necessary means to protect themselves from HIV or AIDS. Please note: this is just an example. Get a personalized document now.