Critical Evaluation of Teaching Resources The teaching resource that will be reviewed will be the online learning supplementary material for "Critical Thinking in Adult Education 41909" on WebCT. WebCT is the leading provider of e-learning systems for higher education institutions such as universities. WebCT provides a highly flexible e-learning environment that enables institutions to achieve their specific goals. The University of Western Sydney is one of the institutions using WebCT technology to provide information as a supplement to support students in their learning. The Content The "Critical Thinking in Adult Education 41909" supplement on WebCT provides a great example of a critical study of whether or not such a resource is effective. It is first essential to review the content of the resource as the information contained in the supplementary material is the most important. There are several criteria that need to be analyzed: The content must provide sufficient detail and also correctly target the intended audience, in the case of the Critical Thinking supplement, the format of the site is quite simple and the language used is easy to understand. Since the course is aimed at academics, the language used is in more formal and general terms rather than personal ones. Content must be accurate, up-to-date and appropriately written, in the case of this course, the course is constantly updated with notices placed on the front page indicating the latest news and instructions on the course, these notices include the latest short instructions on group assignments of discussion. The course should provide links to further information about the course. In this area, this is where... at the center of the paper... the activity as teaching material. WebCT can provide a huge variety of resources that could be linked to a huge database of materials on the Internet. However, these resources must be used before this course can be considered useful to administer. Maintenance requires people to constantly manage and maintain records and also requires teachers to respond to questions and emails. Additionally the costs involved include the cost of registering for WebCT and also the salaries for the maintenance professionals who will keep the course running. Conclusion Some areas of the “Critical Thinking in Adult Education” course on WebCT have been analyzed, but whether the course should be maintained should be decided through a series of processes that determine whether maintaining such a course will be too costly or not in return of the benefit.