Technology is now the foundation of any society and in America; digital products (mp3 files, videos, books, etc.) are protected as intellectual property. The theft of any intellectual property would have similar (and in some cases more severe) consequences to stealing a car or shoplifting, however, some countries that lag behind in the development of intellectual property can easily steal digital products and produce them at a very high price cheaper and more convenient. easier production pace. One such country is China, which has indirectly stolen billions of dollars from the American economy by replicating or developing products invented by America. America tried to involve the Chinese in trying to stop such thefts, but in doing so it may have overridden the civil liberties that are constitutional for all American citizens. The United States must ensure the security of intellectual property while protecting the rights of the American people. Allowing an excessive amount of regulation on the Internet would be unconstitutional. The most harmful forms of Internet piracy do not occur within American borders; instead they come from overseas countries, such as China (London, 2011). This causes the American economy to lose billions of dollars. In response to the piracy problem, the United States passed the Protect IP Act, which creates new tools to combat Internet piracy. The bill defines a website that engages in Internet piracy as one that “has no meaningful use other than to engage in, permit, or facilitate” the illegal copying or distribution of copyrighted material in “substantially complete form.” (London, 2011). There is no doubt that the Protect IP Act limits constitutional rights, while another problem occurs in the middle of America's charter. New York Times, DOI:, J. & Lichtblau, E. (2009, April 16). Cyber security control becomes a controversial issue. The New York Times, excerpted from China: new low in imitations. Boston Globe, excerpted from (2009, October 18). Software pirates in China beat Microsoft to the punch. The New York Times. Retrieved from, L. (2011, December 12). The United States Headed for Cyberwar Showdown with China in 2012. Forbes, excerpted from with-china-in-2012/