Topic > The Bible Reveals God's Personality - 792

God created the world and everything in it, including humans made like Him in Genesis 1. The Bible reveals God's personality, His character, and His plan for His creation. It also reveals God's deepest desire to relate to and commune with people. God took the final step toward communion with us by coming to earth in the person of His Son, Jesus. God chose to create the universe because it is love, and love can best be expressed toward people. God created humans to be reflections of His glory. People can never be totally like God because He is the supreme Creator, but He has given us the ability to reflect His character through our love, kindness, faithfulness, patience and forgiveness. Knowing that we are made in the image of God and that we are capable of sharing many of His characteristics provides a solid foundation for self-esteem. Understanding human value helps people love God, know Him personally, and make valuable contributions to society. God has ultimate dominion over the earth and exercises His authority with loving care. When God delegated some of His authority to the human race, He expected people to take responsibility for the environment and other creatures that share the planet. People must not be careless and wasteful while we fulfill this task. God was careful in how He created this earth, and humans must not be careless in how we care for it. God saw that everything He had created was excellent in every way. People must realize that they are part of God's creation and that He is pleased with how He created us. Human beings are precious to God because He created us for a good reason. Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to become a doctor or pursue a career in the medical field. After becoming a Christian, I re... middle of paper... the testament of God. The life of Jesus, as told in the Gospels, demonstrates how committed He was to healing illnesses. His three years of public ministry were largely spent in teaching or healing. We are to glorify God with our bodies, as emphasized in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. We should use the technology God has given us to preserve and honor life as much as possible. However, rather than simply honoring life, our end-of-life decisions must honor God. Life is an eternal relationship with God who created us for Himself and His glory. For this reason, there must be an appropriate time to stop fighting death and simply go to rest in Jesus. Understanding the biblical worldview, the character of God, and the role of medicine in the Bible can transform my daily medical practice and enable to God that I am increasingly honored in my daily service to patients.